Our Services
For Small Businesses/Medium Sized Enterprises - BUSINESS ANALYSIS & DEVELOPMENT.
We do not give taxation advice, nor do we prepare income tax returns.
For Small Businesses and Medium Sized Enterprises
Towers Business Development Pty Ltd can assist from coaching and mentoring in the managerial and financial development of your business through to sourcing and applying for government grants and assisting your business to be investment ready to obtain funding to finance your growing business. There are a number of services that are available to your growing business from Towers Business Development Pty Ltd:

Buying a Business
- Due Diligence Review
- Market Review
- Marketing Plan
- Business Valuation Analysis
- Business Plan
- Predictive Accounting Services
- Financial Applications

Business Analysis & Development
- Business Plans
- Predictive Accounting Services
- Business Health Check
- Strategies for Survival in Difficult Times for SMEs

Selling a Business
- Documentation of the business being offered for sale
- Business Valuation
- Preparation of Information Memorandum

Assistance on the Investment Ready Journey
- Research and Development Systems
- Industry Growth Program – Early-Stage Commercialisation
- Industry Growth Program – Commercialisation and Growth
- s708 of the Corporatations Act Capital Raising Preparation
- Early Stage Innovation Company Due Diligence Assessment
- Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising Due Diligence Assessment
- Offer Information Statement Capital Raising Preparation
- Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document
- Predictive Accounting Services - Budgets
- Business Valuation and Share Price Determination
- Business Plan
- Information Memorandum
- Corporate Governance Reviews
- Investment Pitch Mentoring and Coaching
- Investment Pitch Organising
- Executive Coaching
For “qualified” companies that have undertaken the “Getting Investment Ready Programme” with Towers Business Development Pty Ltd, we are able to make introduction to business angel groups and investment organisations operating in Australia.

Early Stage Innovation Company
- Due Diligence Reviews assist companies to assess whether they are an Early Stage Innovation Company relation to the three tests:
- “Early Stage Test”
- “Gateway Test”
- “Principles Based Test”
Assisting with the preparation of a detailed documentation file of supporting evidence to substantiate submissions to potential investors and ultimately the Australian Taxation Office Corporate Governance Reviews primarily targeted at the role of a director in an Early Stage Innovation Company.

Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising Due Diligence Reviews
Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising is available for private companies to utilise to raise capital. The basic requirements are:
- Group Turnover (Worldwide) under AUS$25M annually
- Group Asset Value (Worldwide) under $25M
- Neither this company nor any member of the group listed on a Stock Exchange anywhere in the World
- an eligible company can raise up to AUS$5M in twelve months
There are no restrictions on the type of industry that a company operates in or the age of the company.
We consider this opportunity represents the most significant improvement made in small business/mediuim sized enterprses financing in the last 35 years.
The opportunity to utilise Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising has been welcomed by many small/medium enterprise operators. The team at Towers Business Development Pty Ltd can assist a small/medium enterprise organisation to prepare to be admitted as an eligible Crowd Sourced Funding Company.
Crowd Sourced Funding Companies can raise up to $5 million every 12-months, but there is a very strict process that they have to go through to be able to raise capital in this way.
We utilise material developed by our associated business ESS BIZTOOLS to track the capital raising process from the very beginning to when the company is able to finalise capital raising including:
- Articles explaining “Crowd Sourced Funding Equity Raising”.
- An overview of the requirements that companies have to satisfy, if they are going to be accepted as a company eligible to seek the Crowd Sourced Funding Status.
- Commentary on the requirements for the preparation of a Crowd Sourced Funding Offer Document.
- Commentary on the role to be performed by a Crowd Sourced Funding Intermediary.
- Information on the documentation required to be able to raise capital including:
- market document
- marketing plan
- business plan
- predictive Accounting Services
- business valuation
- determining the amount of capital to be raised and the percentage of shares to be allocated to investors
- identification of persons to be invited to become directors
- Negotiations with potential Crowd Sourced Funding Intermediaries.
- Overview of the Crowd Sourced Funding Intermediary’s “platform requirements”.
- Review of “retail investor protection” incorporated within the legislation.

Family Businesses & Succession Planning
- Family Charters
- Training of Family Members in Corporate Governance Matters
- Succession Planning within the Family Business
- Business Valuations
- Coaching and Mentoring
- Getting Investment Ready
- Seminars on Growing Business
- Company Director Mentoring

Getting Investment Ready - Understanding the Capital Raising Process
- Executive Coaching
- Understanding Business

Charities/Not for Profit Organisations/Sporting Organisations
- Professional, Amateur or Juniors
- Strategic Plans
- Predictive Accounting Services
- Corporate Governance Workshops
- Government Grant Applications

Systems’ Review Within A Business Organisation
- Human Resources Systems
- Customers
- Suppliers
- Management Systems’ Review
- Personal Property Securities Act
- Personal Property Securities Register Due Diligence Review
- Organisational Structure
- Leadership Appraisal
- Strategic Relationships/Affiliates
- Risk Management Reviews
- Benchmarking
- Key Performance Indicators
- Lean Management Strategies

Succession Planning
- Current Owner’s Strategies
- Strategic Plans
- Business Plan
- Management
- Directors’ Review
- Exit Options
- Business Valuation
- Risk Management
- Retirement Planning
- Clients/Customers
- Corporate Structure
- Family Charter
- Family Constitution
- Family Advisory Board
- Shareholders’ Agreements
- Superannuation
- Planning Succession
- Sale of Business

Assistance in the Development of Strategies for Businesses
- Preparation of Business Plan
- Cashflow Management Review
- Retreat Planning Sessions Facilitation
- Assisting the CEO/owner in Detailed Evaluation of Financial Performance
- Strategic Business Mentoring to Assist in Achieving the Owner’s Vision
- Assisting the Owner to work “On the Business”
- Assistance in Planning Products and Services to be Offered
- Market Reviews
- Monitoring Research and Development Projects to ensure that all tasks are undertaken in accordance with the laws
- Review of Systems for Investment in Intellectual Property
- Assistance in Identifying Major Strategic Objectives for the Business
- Director Appointment
- Board of Advice Appointment
- Company Secretary Appointment

Corporate Governance Mentoring
For: Company Directors (or persons considering a Director’s appointment
For: Board of Advice Members or Propose Members, Committee Members of Charities, Not for Profits, Sporting Organisations
Corporate Governance Review primarily targeted at the role of a director in an Early Stage Innovation company, including:
- Corporate Structure
- Culture
- Responsibilities of Directors/Committee Members
- Liabilities of Directors/Committee Members
- Quality Time
- Risk Management Strategies to Protect the Company/Organisation Assets
- Workplace Health and Safety Issues for Directors/Committee Members
- Human Resources and Fair Work Australia issues for Directors/ Committee Members and team
- Understanding Financial Accounts
- Understanding Predictive Accounting Services
- Mentoring on Financial Accounts
- Portfolio Allocations
- Board Meeting Appointment of New Directors/Committee Members
- Director/Committee Members Assessment
- Director’s/Committee Member’s Personal Responsibility
- Allocating quality time to think about the Company’s/Organisation’s Future
- Understanding of the Life Cycle* of a Business/Organisation:
- attracting and keeping the right people;
- creating a truly differentiated strategy;
- driving flawless execution;
- Having plenty of “Cash” to weather the storm
- Vern Harnish “Scaling UP”
- Grants
- Capital Raising Presentation Advice