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Execution of strategies creates value

Towers Business Development News

A “Scaling Up Company” is a fast-growing business which requires a leadership team accepting responsibility for the implementation of the “strategies” that have been authorised by the CEO. It is not a job for one person!

CEOs need to ensure that they commit to the concept of allocation of responsibilities throughout the organisation, training of the persons who have been allocated specific duties, establish a reporting process so that there is complete communication within the organisation.

If this is done, the execution of the “strategies” will be well underway.

Unfortunately, in many “Scaling Up Companies”, these delegation processes do not occur. Some CEOs are inclined to say, “They don’t know how to do it therefore I’ll do it myself.” That is no way to implement strategies that are going to help the company to grow through the numerous challenges that confront a fast-growing company and, in so doing, developing an outstanding team.

The strategies have been determined. It is then up to the CEO and leadership team members to ensure that tasks are allocated and that there is a commitment to the reporting process by each person who has been allocated responsibilities. Otherwise, it won’t work and the company will not achieve its targets or possibly fail.

In driving execution there are three key habits to be implemented:

One: Set a “few priorities” and follow each priority through to implementation.

Two: Establish a “data flow” (KPIs and metrics with comparison to previous days/weeks/months) and review daily/weekly/monthly.

Three: Create a “rhythm of meetings” throughout the organisation – daily – weekly – monthly – quarterly.

Look out for the indicators that execution is not proceeding satisfactorily:

Deadlines missed?

People working long hours but there are still problems?

Inadequate income being generated?

Need assistance with implementing these strategies? Contact Towers Business Development on 1800 232 088 or email .

Execution of strategies creates value