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Alignment of capital raising with vision is important

Towers Business Development News

A company seeking to raise capital needs to have developed strategies relating to:

…development of the business model and as far as possible proving that model.

…a solid business value execution plan which is incorporated within the Business Plan.

The Business Plan should clearly identify the compelling investment opportunity that the company offers investors.

The Intellectual Property owned by the company, or currently in R&D phase, should be identified as far as possible, having regard to patent registration requirements.

The company should be able to demonstrate its value proposition.

A clear summary of the company’s competitive advantage should be summarised.

An indication as to whether the products will be disrupting an existing market or creating a new market.

Details of the management team which is going to steer and scale up this venture.

The expected return on investment.

The directors planning for an exit strategy.

Details of the barriers to entry which will apply to competitors.

An indication of the directors position on the company’s valuation.

A firm indication as to whether the company is in a state of investment readiness.

These are important issues for a company seeking to raise capital from investors.

Towers Business Development can assist your company with the development of strategies in capital raising. To find out more, email or call 1800 232 088 to arrange a suitable time for a complimentary initial consultation via Zoom.

Alignment of capital raising with vision is important